Tue, 26 October 2010
Meg Ragland, Family Circle's Health Director talks about Asthma, the Challenges Children Face and How to resolve them. Huggies Mom Inspired guests - Leslie Espowe, The Water Wrap founder and MomInspired Grant Recipient. Dan Samson of Lovin' Scoopful, a premium ice cream company that not only makes its customers happy, but is making many others happy as well through significant contributions to causes that help empower the human spirit. The Mom's Roundtable is discussing how The Holiday's are getting close. Do you enjoy them or do they stress you out? Dr. Daisy Sutherland asks, Are you a Planner or a Doer? |
Mon, 18 October 2010
Stephanie Emma Pfeffer from Family Circle talks about how teens today are Driven to Distraction. Huggies Mom Inspired guest - Amy Baxter, Buzzy Pain Relief inventor and MomInspired Grant Recipient. April Morse from Weber's Cabinets talks about the success of her Wine Bottle shaped chopping blocks through blogging and how it's changed her life! The Mom's Roundtable talks about Birthday's! What are your family birthday traditions? Do you have a special breakfast or dinner? Do you do parties every year or only on special birthdays? Molly Gold for Go Mom Inc. is here to talk about Fall Tune Ups and Happy Holiday's ahead! |
Mon, 11 October 2010
Jonna Gallo, Family Circle's Articles Director discusses how "Your kids are texting and you need to know how too." Huggies Mom Inspired guest - Amy Hilbrich Davis, Balance MAP founder and MomInspired Grant Recipient. Sarah Ludmer RD, LDN is the Senior Nutritionist for Del Monte Foods talks about timely and affordable nutrition tips for the whole family. The Mom's Roundtable talks about Halloween, what does your family do for Halloween? Kim Orlando our travel expert talks about Fall Travel ideas! |
Tue, 5 October 2010
Stephanie Emma Pfeffer from Family Circle talks about bullying and today's technology. Our Huggies Mom Inspired guests - Joan Henehan and Elizabeth Sopher co-founders of Clouds and Stars. Jim Silver, editor-in-chief of www.TimetoPlayMag.com discusses Most Wanted Toy list 2010 and the People's Play Awards. The Mom's Roundtable asks, it's homework time again! How do you juggle helping with homework into your daily schedule? Carla Birnberg one of our fitness experts will be talking about protein powders, which one should we use? |